Ask Me Anything

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Ask Me Anything

Just for fun! Questions will be visible after I’ve answered.

What do you do when you're sad?

Snack and watch TV.


3 years ago

How do you create the waveform that is displayed in the audio player?

I referred to this tutorial and made some minor modifications to the code.


3 years ago

Have you ever angel invested in a startup before? If so can you talk through that process and how you got started?

I have! I wrote about what I've learned so far if that's helpful 😊


3 years ago

The likes of posts trigger a write to Firestore, what if somebody writes a script to hit like a million times? Have you put any security measures?

Well you spooked me by even asking this! I just deployed a change that adds rate limiting to all requests against my GraphQL API. Thanks for the nudge 😊


3 years ago

Have you considered using Apple Shortcuts with Firebase APIs to add bookmarks to your personal site through the share sheet?

That's a good idea, I should poke at that! The furthest I went with exploring ways to quickly add a bookmark was I actually set up a Twilio phone number that let me text a URL and it would receive the text, process it, and grab all the metadata and save it to Firebase. And I used it a few times and then ended up just stopping. Now I kind of just do it manually through the interface I have on my website.

But yeah, it could be fun to poke at shortcuts or something else. Maybe even just building like a local app. Good idea!


3 years ago

First of all, your Website is just amazingly responsive and overall pleasant. I am interested in what your general view is of frameworks such as bootstrap or Material-UI. Do you use them at all or do you code all the animations and responsive resizes on your own from scratch?

I don't know, every framework has pros and cons. I really like Tailwind, I switched over to that last year, I suppose. It's really made it fast and easy to just style the interface and do a lot of responsive variants and handle dark mode. It's really cool!

I'm a big fan, so maybe poke at that.


3 years ago

What are your recommendations for books on design and related domains?

I might lose points for this, but I don't read that many design books. I'm trying to remember any design books that really stand out and nothing is coming to mind. Yeah, sorry. Maybe that's not a good thing.


3 years ago

I just came across your website, and I love how it looks. How did you create it, are you using a template from a CMS (WordPress, Ghost) or did you make this from scratch?

Thanks! It's kind of a mishmash of stuff, but all the code is open source, so feel free to poke around. But the writing page is powered by Ghost. The Hacker News page is powered by some Hacker News API. Some of the other pages, like the Stack page or the Bookmarks page are either hard coded or they're just like talking to Firebase. I don't know, it's all kind of a mess, but that's part of the fun!


3 years ago

If you got 30 minutes to present your work in the portfolio presentation round of interview, what are the specific details you won’t like to miss considering the project entails end-to-end design work?

One of my recent articles is called How to Give a Great Product Design Portfolio Presentation, and that basically captures all of my thoughts and opinions on what makes a strong presentation. So let me know if anything is missing in there. Feel free to tweet at me or ask another question. Hope it helps!


3 years ago

You have so much personal throughput on content going on. Does GitHub give you some buffer-time for personal projects or have you just reached productivity nirvana?

I think that's mostly an illusion. There's many multi-month gaps in between when I publish blog posts. I think the number one thing that I do regularly is publish the podcast, and we just have a schedule for that. Every Monday we record.

And once you get into that habit, it's pretty easy, but otherwise, GitHub is definitely friendly to side projects. Everything here is pretty much nights, weekends, that kind of thing. And it happens slowly and over a long period of time.


3 years ago

What primary tool do you use to record your screen and give asynchronous feedback?

I use three. The first is Loom. Loom has a nice feature that lets you record your face overlaid on top of the video, and it's really better at getting a URL. So if I need to share a URL with somebody, that's the right tool. But I also use CleanShot and Kap, and both of those have different strengths.

I think CleanShot is better just quickly getting a video onto my clipboard and Kap is better exporting gifs. So I bounce between those three.


3 years ago

Are questions immediately added to this page or is there some kind of filtering before they’re published?

No, not quite. They get sent to me by email and then I have to record or write an answer before they get published for everyone else to see.


3 years ago

Is using Mailbrew a great experience?

Yeah, Mailbrew is awesome! I needed a break from Twitter a while ago. I had this tension where I wanted to take a break from the doom scrolling but not miss any highlights, because Twitter is where a lot of people announce major life changes or job changes or location changes. So I didn't want to miss that.

Mailbrew has this feature where you can get a daily digest of the top tweets from people you follow or the most shared links from people that you follow. So I just turn that on, and now every day at five PM I get this digest of the highlights so I don't feel like I've missed anything. It's actually helped me stay off Twitter a lot more, and I highly recommend it. So great job to the Mailbrew team!


3 years ago

Why isn't the GraphQL API powering this AMA running on GraphCDN yet? 😉

I haven't gotten GraphCDN working because I can't figure out authentication, but once I figure that out I will definitely use it!


3 years ago

In your App Dissections, how do you get multiple videos to autoplay at the same time? I've put mine on Vimeo & embedded them as you did, and it works on desktop, but on iOS it literally causes both safari and chrome to crash. Been struggling with this for a while. Also using Next.js as you are. Thanks for any help!

Yeah, good question! I'm actually not sure that I'm not also crashing browsers on mobile 😛 But one thing that you could poke at is adding some kind of intersection observer so that the videos don't even render until they enter the viewport (or at least until they're about to enter the viewport). That might reduce a lot of load on the browser and prevent you from downloading unused resources before the end user needs them.

By the way, this site is open source! I don't know if you saw that, but feel free to poke through there and good luck 😊


3 years ago

What does your "Advisor" role at startups entail? What work are you doing for them? How do they compensate your work? How did you start?

This question prompted me to write a full blog post. But the tl;dr of it is really just helping with product and design feedback. A lot of early stage founders are looking for gut checks on decisions or need help thinking through design problems.

The other big bucket of things is helping with hiring (not recruiting), like reviewing portfolios or hopping on calls with candidates or helping set up a design interview process. All of those things have ended up being really helpful.

On the edges, helping make more introductions to investors or other advisors, or in some specific cases being a user of the product and giving them actual product feedback as a customer has been useful.

Anyways, I wrote a whole lot about that. Please post any follow up questions if anything else comes to mind!


3 years ago